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22 years old

Vikysya (Profile ID: C849584) Verified Profile
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Hello, my name is Vikysya. I'm 22 years old and live in Kiev (Kyiv), Ukraine. I'm looking for someone aged of more than 20. In my spare time, I enjoy Reading, Dancing, Hiking/Outdoor Activities, etc.

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My Detailed Profile

    • Year of Birth:2003
    • Zodiac:Aquarius
    • Weight:139 lbs (63kg)
    • Height:5'6" (167cm)
    • Smokes: Nonsmoker
    • Drinks:Never
    • English:Learning
    • Religion:Christian
    • Education:College
    • Have Children:No
    • Profession:Other
    • Relationship Status:Never Married
  • About myself and my ideal match:

    Do you know which person is the most powerful on this planet? This is the one who has already learned what love is and has his lover. You are now looking at my profile photo and reading this thinking about what prevents me from being happy and why am I here? Well, it's very simple. It is very important for me that my man has no desire to lie, that there is a boss in our home and at the same time has respect for the lady chosen for himself. Maybe this sounds very easy to you. But for my places this is the person from the red book. Well, I'm talking a lot here about happiness and the fact that I'm looking for the ideal. But if you are perfect, you probably want to know what you can get reflected for your actions. I will try to tell you a little so that you understand who you are dealing with.

    I am a simple lady who never lies. There is an important internal setting for me. A lie is like a balloon, if you attach a rope and a stone to this balloon, then hide it under water. Then the time will come when the rope will rot and this ball-lie will again be in full view of everyone .. Such is the law of life.

    Second, I had a six-month cooking course during my university. I mean, I can pave the way to my heart with my signature chocolate cake!

    Third, I am the type of lady who will choose simple home relaxation, yoga, reading a book while other ladies run headlong to the club and seek adventure. But that doesn't mean I'm from a boring league. I will gladly go camping, horseback riding, or fishing. The main thing here is to have someone to do it with!

    Until then, I'll get back to the first words! Powerful people are those who have their lover! What if this day is our chance to become powerful? Let's check it out? If you are ready you can just write me the code word : HI VIKYSYA! This will mean that I managed to defeat your heart with my thought and we will move on to the second stage! Well, let's live here and now? Why be happy tomorrow when you need to do it today ..
  • My interests:

    • Traveling

    • Hiking/Outdoor Activities

    • Dancing

    • Reading

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